Alytus championship 2014

Organized by orienteering club “Dainava”.
Chief Judge: Rolandas Juonys, Chief Secretary: Darius Jonytis, Courses prepared by Rimas Jovaišas.

Event programe
2014 – 04 – 12, Vidzgiris forest, Alytus

April 12 (Saturday)
10.30 – 11.30 arrival and registration at the event center
10:45 opening ceremony for participants with bike
11:00 start for participants with mountain bike
11.20 opening ceremony
12.00 start of the competition
15.00 prize giving ceremony at the event center

Classes and courses
Classes: DH 12, 14, 16, 18, 21, 35, 40, 45, 50, 55, 60, 65, 70, 75, 80.
Classes (mountain bike): VE, ME, VA, MA, MV40, MV18.
Participants (or their sending organization) are responsible for their health condition.

Map last renewed on 2012. Scale: 1:10.000, H 5 m. Moraine terrain is prevailed, carved by erosive ravines. Maximum slopes up to 60 m. height. Terrain is expressive, enhanced with swamps. Grid of pathways is well developed. Visibility and runnability are very good.

Participants (starting) fee

Date of registration DH12-18 DH21,…55 DH60, 65…
Until 2014-04-08 23:59 10 Lt 20 Lt 15 Lt
From 2014-04-09, if free positions are available 15 Lt 35 Lt 25 Lt
On competition day, if free positions are available 20 Lt 40 Lt 30 Lt

SI cards will be available for rental fee: 1 Lt/day for pupils, 3 Lt/day for others.
There will be a fine equal to the price of SI card in case of a loss of the SI card.
In case the registered participants will not appear at the competition, fine equal to the half of starting fee will be applied. Fine is applied to the person who performed registration, or the club of the participant.
Discount of 20% will be applied for the clubs, which will register more than 40 participants.

Starting fees should be paid either to the bank account of orienteering club “Dainava” or in cash at the event centre.

After 2014-04-10 registration will be accepted only if free positions are available. Late registered participants will be placed at the beginning of the start protocol. Phones for information: +370 614 14589 Darius Jonytis, +370 614 85948 Antanas Paužas.

Punching system
SportIdent system will be used at the competition.


Groups KM CP
V 6,5 19
V18,35,40 5,7 17
M 5,3 16
V16,45,50 5,2 17
M35,40, V55,60 4,9 15
M18,45,50 3,4 14
V14, M16,55,60 3,0 12
V12,65,70, M14 2,5 8
M12,65,70, V75,80 1,8 6

Positions of the participants will be determined by the course passing time.
Winners and prizewinners of each group will be awarded (if more than 3 participants in group).

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